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Just life

Twisted Life

Today, something twisted inside me. I rarely check the news—it’s too depressing, and I can’t stop the horrors happening—but today, I did. First story: Syrians fleeing their homes. Next: free pancakes in Manchester. Pancakes and death, side by side. We’re immune now, aren’t we? Bombings, mass graves, murdered children, all […]

Just life

Two clicks

Oh, I added a plugin, all shiny and new, To count all the visitors coming to view. I clicked and I tinkered, set it up right, Then checked on the app—oh, what a delight! Two visits, it said, a number so small, “Surely more love me,” I thought, “that can’t […]

Just life

A Journey Back to Writing

When I was a little girl, being raised by my grandparents was far harder than most might imagine. Grandparents are often thought of as the ones who sneak you sweets when your mum isn’t looking, or let you stay up past your bedtime. But mine? They were strict. Steeped in […]

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