Anguish in her voice the mother calls
child missing for 3 minutes already
heartbeat faster and painful now
she calls again
she can feel nothing
its like he was suddenly stilled
she looks around frantically
scanning her area and beyond
she sees him and races towards
but no
not him
she cries out again
around her
eyes watch and hear her pain
but they have pains of their own
the mother
her heart breaking
screams in grief
her breathing now short and hard
she tries to get away from this feeling
but it will never leave her
she travels past her son
but she does not see him or recognise him
dead already
hidden behind the black veil
she cannot breathe now and thrashes trying to gain her vision
her heart races and pounds
spikes of pain shoot through her and she tries to call again
death reaches in and claims her in its painful gras
above the whale
the skimmer is trying to control the black death
and failing

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Maggie Terlecki

Again, you write with such bravery. Anyone that has read your work cannot deny the strength to bring us along in the journey. To make us feel and to look inside ourselves and find those emotions that we try to quash down and hide but the writing brings them all to the surface. A lot of what you have written in these stories I found a bit hard, but only because it recognized places in myself that I hide away. This isn’t bad though, Abbie, it’s most probably things that need to be faced to truly heal them. Make them better. Keep on writing as you do; with heart and compassion and brave truth. Maggie

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