So I have been on an anti inflammatory diet for a little over a week now. I lost 4lb in one week… Let me hear you say, YAY Abbie!
Ok, ok….. Sounds good……but I have another 4 stone to go and I am not a stickler for staying on things. So let’s take it slow and easy…. I will say, yay me…. quieter….
Anyhooo, I have also got exercise before 🥣 breakfast
hahahahahahahahahah cough hhahahahahahahah
I have just been walking on the spot with FitOn with a lady whose name I completely forgot after one minute of cheerful bopping (hers, not mine). You start off walking gently, but to a beat, then it upgrades to knee crunches, (to the same beat), then kicks and finally side steps. I was getting on famously until the cheerfully smirk lady starting pumping arms in different directions whilst we were doing kicks. “Don’t you feel good?” she happily announced. I just stared at the screen blankly whilst trying to raise my arms in the air yet again whilst kicking so high I stubbed my toe on my work desk.
Limping through another couple of minutes (already done 10 by now with another 10 on the cards), my resolve faltered and I leaned over doing an awesome stretch, and turned her off.
Tomorrow I will try again. But, for now I am going to work. It is EASIER!
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